We use every opportunity to give health and hygiene trainings to the villagers, i.e. regarding bacterial infection, rheumatic fever, use of medication, how to brush one’s teeth, etc.
In 2012 we started for the first time with health and hygiene trainings and have brought medication to Chepel. Until then it was up to Karma’s sister-in-law Lami to manage the medicines in the village without any education. The range of medication in Augsut 2012, however, was extremely modest and consisted of some blisters with antibiotics, a blister of folic acid capsules and some old gaze bandages.
For the various therapeutics we’ve brought for mainly pain, gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhoea, eye infection, and skin diseases, Karma translated the patient leaflets from English into Nepali and wrote down the essential data on the medicines so that Lami could assign and apply them accordingly.