Sponsor run in the Gobi desert in Mongolia to support building a health post in Chepel
Who, what, where, when?
Leonie and Isabelle will participate in an endurance race in June 2022 in the Gobi desert in Mongolia which is a Desert Ultra Marathon over a total of 250 km devided into 6 stages. It is a self-supporting race in which the approx. 120 athletes have to carry all their material including food for the whole race themselves in their backpacks. Only water and a roof to sleep under is provided. Lisa will participate as volunteer for all participants and she will participate in setting up the tents and provide water in the checkpoints during the race.

For details on the rase please see https://www.racingtheplanet.com
Due to the Corona crisis the race has been postponed from June 2020 to June 2022.
What for?
The funds raised by the race sponsors will be used to build 2 health posts in Chepel – one building to establish a human health post and another building to establish an animal health post. The Nepali Government has already granted the provision of the community health workers and basic equipment for both health posts as soon as the buildings are standing. Background information: In order to reach the next health post sick people have to be carried on the back of porters for 2 days, and for the productive lifestock there is no provision of any medical or vaccination support.
Please indicate „Chepel goes Gobi“ on your sponsor funds in order to have it dedicated directly to the Health post project.
We will inform all Friends of Chepel about the preparations and training activities on the homepage, while during the race we will share our experience in a blog. You are also kindly invited to follow us on instagram chepel_goes_gobi.
A warm thank you in advance to all sponsors!