Good things come to those who wait:
Leonie and Isabelle start at the 250 km ultra marathon in Atacama desert in Chile, which is the driest desert in the world, at a level of 2000 – 3000 m height. They will be running self sustained, meaning that they’ve to carry the complete equipment themselves, except for water and tent. The daily stages are about 40 km, but there is also one long march with 80 km.
Time period: September 25th until Okctober 1st, 2022
Our racers can be followed via the homepage of the organiser. They will carry a Friends-of-Chepel banner to show the purpose of their efforts.
Purpose of Fundraising:
In 2023 we want to start another challenging project in Chepel, namely construction and development of a health post for the people in the whole area. Detailed plans as well as cost estimate (about 30.000 EUR) are already available. The health post is supposed to provide 2 full-time jobs and 2 part-time jobs. As the nearest health post still is a 2 days walk from Chepel, the dwellers of Chepel and the surounding area have a great demand for it.
Your participation as donor:
You can choose a free amount for one or both racers, in case they reach the final line, or donate a sum unconditionally. Please label the donation with “Running for Chepel” or “Health Post”. As always, the total revenue goes into financing the health post. And hopefully we can share pictures by the end of 2023 latest.
The easiest way to donate is right here, otherwise please contact us by email including name and address and kind of donation.
Many thanks for your support!