Health examination of 80 school children in Chepel

Health examination of 80 school children in Chepel

During the visit with 4 doctors, the opportunity arose to thoroughly examine the majority of school children in Chepel and thus get a good overview of what the predominant complaints are among children in this remote village. It turned out that

  • over 50% of children have tooth decay and some of their teeth are in very poor condition; that’s why training on dental hygiene immediately followed on site
  • 50% of children have skin problems including skin eczema, poorly or non-healed wounds, parasitic diseases and mites
  • Approximately 10% of children have eye problems
  • There were 5 cases of heart murmurs, some of which were associated with significant short stature and were clinically noticeable (Continued supply in Kathmandu is organized through donations from Friends of Chepel e.V.)
  • almost 20% of children are in reduced general and nutritional condition